In a tranquil corner of the mountainous area in Kimitsu City, Chiba Prefecture, a special residence is being created for cats and their loving owners. In this place, a 12-tsubo (about 39.66 square meters) space is ingeniously designed to connect the joy of cats with human comfort. We have designed it to create an ideal harmony for cats and people, resonating with the dazzling sunlight from the south-facing windows and the surrounding nature. In this blog, I want to summarize how we came up with the ideas and created the first plan.
Designing a house with a clear concept is easier to understand.
When I first met the client and heard their story, I could feel the deep love they have for their cat. The client seemed a bit shy, but for me, designing a house with such a clear concept is not only easier to understand but also a very enjoyable task.
Receiving spring water from the famous waters of Kururi.
The land planned for this unique concept house is located in the mountainous area of Kimitsu City, a place rich in natural environment. I feel that both people and cats living there will be happy. In this area, abundant spring water is available, and it’s important to consider the water flow in the design. Since water flows from higher to lower areas, this aspect is kept in mind. I learned that spring water can be drawn near Kururi Castle nearby, and I brought some back in a bottle. Coffee brewed with the water I drew myself had an exceptionally special taste.
I am happy to work with the familiar two-by-four construction method.
Additionally, there is another project underway in Kimitsu City. This one involves the construction of a garage and storage space using the two-by-four construction method. The contractor kindly guided me through this site as well.
Sharing the site is greatly beneficial for the creation of future design plans. This venerable house, with its main building, grounds, and even the plantings, was alluring and left a lasting impression.
The window glass and interior fittings had the unique charm of an old folk house, each filled with intriguing items.
Living with Cats in a 39.6 Square Meter House
Getting back on track, let’s first take a look at the floor plan of the house for the cat.
Due to the conditions of the site, the width was limited to 3 ken (Japanese unit of length), so the depth was set to 4 ken. As a result, the total area of the house is 12 tsubo, approximately 39.66 square meters.
What is the concept behind the 12-Tsubo House for Living with Cats?
We are progressing with the design of the ’12-Tsubo House for Living with Cats’ based on our unique concept. This initial plan will be further refined by incorporating client feedback. This house, like the site we introduced earlier, will be constructed using the two-by-four method. Both the contractor and I are specialists in the two-by-four method, which gives this project a particularly deep significance for us.
Close-up of the North Side Floor Plan
玄関とトイレ: 1帖ちょっとのサイズ。
洗面台と洗濯場: 独立して配置。
お風呂: 別棟にあり、シャワーのみ。
ホール: 車椅子に配慮した幅。
物置: 別棟にあり、最小限のスペース。
寝室: 4畳半の広さ。
キッチン: 幅1820mmでコンパクトに設計。
Here is a summary of the overview of each room in the “12-Tsubo House for Living with Cats”:
- Entrance and Toilet: Approximately 1 tatami-sized.
- Washstand and Laundry Area: Independently located.
- Bathroom: Located in a separate building, with a shower only.
- Hallway: Designed with wheelchair accessibility in mind.
- Storage: Located in a separate building, with minimal space.
- Bedroom: Approximately 4.5 tatami-sized.
- Kitchen: Compact design with a width of 1820mm.
This overview reflects a functional design that maximizes the use of limited space and is suitable for cohabiting with cats.
Close-up of the South Side Floor Plan
寝室とLDK: どこからでもCat Roomが見えるように配置。
日当たりと眺望: 南側の窓からの日当たりが良く、猫ちゃんにとって理想的。
LDK: コンパクトで効率的な空間設計。
濡れ縁: 猫ちゃんがくつろげるスペース。
間仕切り: 猫ちゃん同士の喧嘩を防ぐための設計。
エアコン: 効率的な冷暖房のために2台のみ設置。
Appearance Parse
Let’s see how this floor plan would look when rendered in three dimensions. It’s not a perfect square; there is a slight cutout in the southeast part. This design is intended to preserve an existing cherry tree. Constructing the building while prioritizing the tree allows for the enviable opportunity of enjoying cherry blossom viewing right from home.
This building is a single-story structure with a compact height of about 3 meters. In response to the client’s request, we plan to use siding for the exterior walls, chosen for its ease of cleaning. We will consider various samples in the future. The client desired a brown color, so we created a render using three different shades of brown. There are various variations of brown. This time, the key to a stylish appearance is the vertical installation of wood-grain siding. Being a single-story building, it might achieve a look close to real wood grain.
I plan to continuously update the progress of this house as it gets closer to completion. It’s crucial for those building a house to express their ideals and requirements, as this information is valuable to designers. For me, gaining inspiration outside of my local area is a vital experience. Different environments lead to new insights, ideas, and learning opportunities. I aim to bring back the knowledge gained to create a mutually beneficial cycle in my local community. Additionally, I plan to delve deeper into the two-by-four construction method, which I have been working on for many years.
千葉県君津市の家で猫と暮らす: 12坪から15坪に変化②
Hello, I’m Yuuko Suzuki, a first-class architect. I am the founder of WakanaDesign, a first-class architectural firm based in Sakai, Ibaraki. With 21 years of experience, I prioritize the perfect balance between seriousness and creativity to design captivating spaces.