五右衛門風呂を民泊のバスタブに!発想から完成までのストーリー【まだ途中】Turning a Goemonburo into a Bathtub for a Guesthouse! The Story from Concept to Completion [Still in Progress]



Turning a Goemonburo into a Bathtub for a Guesthouse! This idea suddenly popped into my head. But how could I actually get my hands on a Goemonburo? So, I consulted with my architect friends, and they informed me, “There’s a recently removed Goemonburo stored in a warehouse in Kimitsu City.” I quickly went to see it. The Goemonburo had a texture that exuded history, and I was convinced that incorporating it into a guesthouse would offer a unique experience unlike any other.

In this article, we will detail the entire process of installing a Goemonburo, from the initial idea to the completion of a guesthouse. It will be filled with ideas and ingenuity to create an attractive and unique accommodation while keeping initial costs low. This is a rare example that you won’t see often elsewhere, so please continue reading to see how it unfolds.



What is a Goemonburo?




A Goemonburo is a traditional Japanese bath that uses a large metal cauldron. Its name is said to originate from the story of the Sengoku-era thief, Ishikawa Goemon, who was executed in such a cauldron. Wooden planks are placed at the bottom of the bath to prevent the bather from being burned, and the water is heated directly over a fire. This unique bath, heated with firewood, allows you to feel in harmony with nature and provides a special bathing experience that modern baths cannot offer.

Goemonburo was widely used in Japanese households until around the 1950s and 1960s. After that, it was replaced by more convenient gas or electric heated baths. However, some ryokan (Japanese inns) and minshuku (Japanese guesthouses) still use Goemonburo to offer guests the nostalgic and unique bathing experience.

Considering that the 1950s and 1960s are about 70 years ago, it is surprising that Goemonburo still exists today. It is wonderful to see how old traditions are preserved and passed down to the present day. Before seeing one in person, it was a bit difficult for me to imagine what a Goemonburo was like. So, what exactly is it like?



A Journey to Find a Goemonburo: Leveraging the Power of Social Media and Friends



Gathering Information through Social Media


First, I decided to leverage social media. I searched for keywords like “Goemonburo” and “old bath” on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. Additionally, I posted on my own account, saying, “I am looking for a Goemonburo. Does anyone know where I can find one?”



Reaching Out to Architect Friends and Acquaintances


Next, I reached out to my direct acquaintances. Within less than five minutes of sending a message on LINE, one of my architect friends responded with information, saying, “There’s a recently removed Goemonburo stored in a warehouse in Kimitsu City.” They even sent me photos from the time of its removal.


Here are the images of the Goemonburo being dismantled.



I had never seen a Goemonburo in person myself, so when I was shown the photos, I was amazed! I felt a sense of excitement and wonder, thinking, “So this is what a Goemonburo looks like.”

By the way, the small cauldron on the left is apparently used to add water to adjust the temperature when it gets too hot.


It has been removed in excellent condition, hasn’t it? They must have taken great care during the dismantling process. I see there are wooden planks at the bottom of the cauldron.


It seems to be embedded in ceramic-like bricks. It makes sense physically, as it needs to withstand direct fire. Indeed, it’s quite logical.


Going to Kururi in Kimitsu City to Retrieve the Goemonburo




This house in Kururi, Kimitsu City, Chiba Prefecture, belongs to a family that has served the castle for generations, making it a historically significant and venerable residence. Recently, I assisted in drawing up the plans for constructing a garage using the two-by-four method for this house. Thanks to the introduction by a mutual acquaintance, I was able to forge this connection.

The garage has exposed trusses, creating a very pleasant atmosphere. The Kururi residence had a Goemonburo until recently, which has since been dismantled and stored in a warehouse. We visited from Sakai Town, Ibaraki Prefecture, to retrieve this Goemonburo.

Kururi’s famous water has been known for its quality since the Edo period and was even offered to the shogunate. The geology and natural environment of this region produce high-quality groundwater, which continues to be cherished by many people today. Additionally, Kururi’s water has been selected as one of the “Top 100 Famous Waters” by the Ministry of the Environment, attesting to its exceptional quality.




Kururi’s famous water has long been known for its excellent quality and has a history of being offered to the shogunate during the Edo period. The geology and natural environment of this region produce high-quality groundwater rich in minerals, which is still cherished by many people today. It has also been selected by the Ministry of the Environment as one of the “Top 100 Famous Waters,” attesting to its exceptional quality. The house that gave us the Goemonburo is also home to this famous water. Having visited several times, I can attest to the daily use of this delicious water and its outstanding qualities.

Whenever I visit this house, I always look forward to bringing back some of this famous water. Brewing coffee with this spring water makes for a truly elegant experience.

I had the opportunity to meet the owner who generously gave us the Goemonburo and express my gratitude. I also explained how we plan to use it in Sakai Town. Instead of using it with a direct fire, we will repurpose it as a bathtub. The owner found this idea intriguing, so I promised to send them photos once it’s completed. We will take great care to use it innovatively and respectfully!



Transporting the Goemonburo in a Van


Despite our concerns about whether it would fit in the van, the Goemonburo fit perfectly inside. We estimated its weight to be around 50 kilograms. It felt like something that two men could carry. Interestingly, this bath was oval-shaped. The owner who was transporting it mentioned that it was their first time seeing an oval-shaped Goemonburo, and they speculated that the oval shape might be more comfortable for sitting.


Delivered to the site in Sakai Town, Ibaraki Prefecture!


Then came the issue of drainage, which became a challenge with the plumber. When asked, “What kind of drainage outlet does a Goemonburo have?” neither the plumber nor I knew because we had never seen one in person. We decided to figure it out once the Goemonburo arrived. It has been fascinating to see how everyone comes up with solutions.

This is what the drainage outlet looked like. The diameter is quite narrow, just over 2 centimeters in internal dimension. Since it’s difficult to connect this outlet directly to the current drainage pipes, we decided to use a method where the plug is removed to drain the water, collected by a drain cover. Here are the images after the plumber handled the installation.



We decided to direct all the water to a single drainage outlet. When pouring the concrete, we will have the mason create a slope towards this outlet.

I will do my best to continue reporting on the progress of the construction.



